Thank You for the Memories, Ace as well as Beamer


Note: This is a special publish written by my mommy Nancy about her memories with my family pets Ace as well as Beamer. We lost our senior mutt Ace as well as our senior tabby feline Beamer earlier this year.

It’s been four months considering that Dear husband as well as I got the phone call – the phone call providing us the news about Ace. We were trying to process the news about Beamer’s death. as well as then, wham. We discovered Ace had died too. On the extremely exact same day. Our hearts broke. De nouveau.

When that phone call came about Ace, Dear husband as well as I were hectic doing some Saturday spring lawn clean up. Listening to Lindsay’s voicemail message, we understood something was up. Quelque chose d’important. Lindsay never seldom leaves voicemail messages. Plus, there was just something in her voice when she stated she needed to speak to us both.

“I question if it’s poor news about Ace,” I stated to Dear Hubby. “I question if Ace died too.”

Somehow, we both knew.

Beamer, Ace & puppy Remy

This publish is not indicated to be about unhappiness as well as tears, though there have been lots of both considering that Ace as well as Beamer died.

No, this publish is about fond memories I have of Ace as well as Beamer – two special, much liked fur-grandsons.

During the decade+ time that Ace as well as Beamer were part of this family, a great deal happened. There was joy, there was unhappiness as well as whatever in-between. Beamer as well as Ace were part of it all.

There are so lots of memories, it’s difficult to choose…

Let’s begin with Ace.

I will never fail to remember the day Lindsay as well as I chosen up Ace in a little town in northern Minnesota as well as then drove back to Fargo, North Dakota. The whole drive back I sat there thinking, what in the world made you pick this dog, Lindsay?

Of course, I never pointed out that to her up until later. Des années plus tard.

I mean, Ace was big. particularly his head, it seemed to me. as well as his eyes were kinda little as well as reddish looking. as well as he drooled. Beaucoup. as well as he panted. Beaucoup. as well as he was strong. as well as unruly. He understood no fundamental pet dog manners. Rien.

Did I mention drool?

Boy, Ace had no concept what was in store for him!

Plus, Lindsay worked long hours.

How in the world was this huge lug-of-a pet dog ever going to work out, I wondered?

Now, that memory makes a fantastic story, which is truly what all memories are – stories we keep in our hearts as well as minds like valuable hidden treasures.

As all of us understand now, Ace [turned out to be] the very best pet dog ever!

An early riding in the vehicle pic.

Another early memory I have of Ace is enjoying him during agility class. Ace was a huge kid as well as also, a bit clumsy. So, enjoying him do likewise indicated enjoying him often knock down a few cones as well as hurdles.

Tant pis. nobody seemed to mind. Here’s an old video of Ace doing agility (2009):

Quite vocal! Ace always provided whatever his all as well as did his finest to please everyone, particularly Lindsay. He liked her so.

I have great deals of fond memories of Ace checking out us in Wisconsin. Every summertime (until Lindsay as well as Josh as well as the animals transferred to California) Ace would stay for a week or two. As did Beamer. as well as Scout, too, of course.

Ace liked to sit on the boathouse as well as dock, go to with Uncle Peter as well as Uncle Aaron as well as other miscellaneous relatives that showed up, hang out with my dogs Elsie as well as Sophie, go on walks as well as take promenades en bateau. Such great times.

Ace as well as Lindsay

And, of course, there was playing fetch. My goodness, Ace did like chasing tennis balls! I’m quite sure we over did it on a lot more than a few occasions. Sorry, Lindsay.

And then there was my cancer diagnosis in 2010. enjoying all the animals during diagnosis spring/summer as well as beyond was a welcome distraction for everybody. I’ll always keep in mind that.

Ace with my two dogs, Sophie & Elsie

A preferred memory has to be Lindsay as well as Josh’s wedding. What treasures that memory as well as those pictures are. exactly how terrific that Ace will permanently be part of that special day.

Best wedding event picture ever! June 8, 2012

After the huge step to California a few years back, we didn’t get to see Ace as well as the other animals as frequently (or Lindsay as well as Josh!). When we made our annual trip to go to them all, Dearhusband would refer to he as well as I as the paparazzi when we took our everyday walks to the beach with Ace (and later Remy). We looked, sounded as well as acted like them anyway!

Sorry if we embarrassed you, Lindsay, with all that photo taking. I’m so delighted we have all those beach pics with Ace now.

A dad, a child as well as a dear old dog

And then there was my solo pet sitting gig in February 2017 when I took care of all four animals for a week. That was great deals of work! I mean, I was taking care of a senior pet dog with some problems as well as on great deals of meds, an active Weimaraner pup (good boy, Remy) in addition to two cats. however gosh, that was fun.

And last September, Dear husband as well as I both spent ten whole days taking care of Ace, Beamer, Remy as well as Scout when Lindsay as well as Josh traveled abroad. believing about that brings tears to my eyes. It was fun to spoil them all a bit. Okay, a lot!

Yum, bacon.

Our final go to with Ace was this past February. Lindsay, Josh as well as Ace made the trip to Arizona to go to Dear husband as well as me while we vacationed there. I am so grateful we had that last visit.

Boy, did Ace take pleasure in that warm Arizona sunshine, lounging poolside as well as sniffing. Ace was always a extremely serious, not-to-be hurried, meandering kind of sniffer.

Thanks for so lots of terrific memories, Ace. I will keep in mind you always.

And now – some Beamer memories.

I don’t have as lots of memories or as lots of pictures of Beamer. I didn’t get to spend as much time with him since before he was Lindsay as well as Josh’s cat, he was Josh’s cat, as well as well, since he was a cat! Cats aren’t rather as accommodating for picture ops. however the memories as well as pictures I do have of Beamer are quite darn special.

If there’s one thing that was true about Beamer, it was that he was very photogenic when those picture ops did arise. He was one handsome fellow! If you photo a miniature lion cub, that was Beamer. He had the plushest, thickest, softest, prettiest fur coat you can imagine.

And, of course, Beamer liked food. No, he liked food; in fact, he was consumed with food, or a lot more accurately, with eating food! He was always on the lookout for his next meal or snack. as well as I do indicate always.

Those are two stand-out things I will always keep in mind about Beamer – his great looks as well as his like of food.

When Beamer visited, he liked to sit on a kitchen area stool as well as enjoy whatever was happening in the kitchen. He was an opportunist as well as a extremely individual one. He was always prepared for that moment when a crumb may drop, my back may turn, or much better yet, when I may fail to remember to put food away. any type of type of food. He’d be on it.

Like the Christmas we were all sitting around by the tree opening gifts. One minute we were focused on provides as well as the next, all eyes were on Beamer as he ran by with a bag of buns I had forgotten to put away clenched securely in his teeth. He made a beeline for cover without any intent of handing over his recently declared bag of goods.

Beamer was like that. He kept us on our toes. as well as required us to keep the counters cleared off!

During that solo pet sitting gig I pointed out above, figuring out who got to eat very first was a challenge. Beamer was always very first in line! I assumption you might state he was a bit pushy when it pertained to food. however that’s okay. I relate.

Taken during my Feb 2017 solo pet sitting gig.

And of course, anywhere Beamer was, Lindsay’s other feline Scout was normally close by. They were like brothers. toujours ensemble. One looking out for the other. Okay, perhaps it was a lot more Beamer looking out for Scout. rather the pair, those two.

So sorry you lost your finest buddy, Scout. Your snuggle partner, your lookout pal, your protector, your wrestling bud, your brother, your friend.

Animals grieve too. I just understand it.

The last time I saw Beamer was during the September pet sitting gig Dear husband as well as I enjoyed. I desire I had understood it was to be our last go to with him.

But that’s not exactly how life works, is it?

Two old timers napping. it’s the last photo I took of Beamer.

So, there you have a few of my special memories of two dearly liked household pets.

Sometimes I question exactly how familY Les animaux de compagnie manipulent pour tisser leur méthode si profondément dans nos cœurs.

Mais cela n’a pas d’importance. Il importe seulement qu’ils le font.

Merci pour les souvenirs, Ace ainsi que Beamer. Tu nous manques. Nous vous aimons.

Vous serez dans nos cœurs pour toujours, les garçons.

Si un type de vous a un souvenir d’un animal de compagnie cher, veuillez partager les commentaires.

Pourquoi croyez-vous que la perte d’animaux de compagnie est si difficile?

Êtes-vous beaucoup plus un amoureux félin, des amateurs de chiens de compagnie ou les deux?

Nancy Stordahl compose le blog Nancy’s Point, un blog sur le cancer du sein ainsi que la perte. Ainsi que oui, elle présente parfois des animaux de compagnie! Voir son message: les vieux chiens sont les meilleurs chiens.

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